Letter from Executive Director

Winter Update

Welcome to 2025! We are excited about this second half of the school year as God continues to do great things here at MCS. Our service trips are currently serving in Belize and Mexico, and we can’t wait to hear what God has done in and through our students during those trips. We also experienced a powerful time of prayer with students and their families prior to them embarking on their trip.

We are also thrilled to announce that MCS has hired Charlene Greenwood for the remainder of the year. She will be working alongside our Christian Curriculum Coordinator and our Campus Pastors. She brings to MCS a passion for Christ and a wealth of experience working with elementary students, music programs, student coaching and mentoring, and will be a great team support to our chapels and classrooms.

We continue to meet with EPSB to discuss items such as resource allocation and funding, especially in regards to upholding our Facility Use Agreement as well as enforcement of our Alternate Program fee agreements. We are also discussing the honoring of our Agreement & Vision and Mission Statement and autonomy in key oversight areas such as locally developed curriculum participation and hiring and oversight of our Campus Pastors (Christian Liaisons).

A quick update on some of the larger projects for, and during this school year:

  • The addition of security scanners to the doors that access the upstairs MCS drama/theatre and band rooms as well as the ELCC entrance and two internal doors. Additionally, the installation of a fire-rated security door internally between the washrooms accessed by the MCS drama/theatre and band classes and the main facility, as well as repairing and reinforcing the external gym double doors. All of these repairs will help provide increased security for our students and staff. The total cost of these security upgrades and repairs is over $23,000.
  • The second part of roof repairs to the Admin building was completed this summer, with total costs for those repairs being over $120,000.
  • Parking lot repairs – $15,000.
  • Renovations to the Admin office, adding additional student spaces, including a boardroom – approx. $10,000.
  • Addition of handicap access/stalls to lower auditorium washrooms – approx. $5,500.
  • Commercial water heater replacement in ELCC – approx. $2,000.
  • Other projects have included electrical repair and upgrades in the Admin Office area, water damage and wall repairs in West Wing washrooms, washroom faucet replacements/upgrades, and many more items.

We are excited that meetings are in the works, including representatives from MCSS and the MCS admin team, regarding forward planning as we begin to look at a future multi-stage development plan.

The MCSS detailed budget has been added to the documents section.

Thanks again for your participation and prayers over our precious school and its students, staff, and families!